Audio Editing Tutorial

(under construction)

          How would you like to have your own Multi-Track Recording Studio?  "Well, sure,", you say, "but what's it gonna cost me?"  How about... nothing?  It's free.  Really!

          In the past, if you wanted to "slow down" a song in order to learn a guitar lick, there were ways to do it.  But the tempo and the pitch would also slow down, which complicated matters.  That's no longer the case.  Many audio-software programs can now manipulate tempo, speed, and pitch independently.

           Last year, when I was searching for one of these programs, I stumbled upon "Audacity".  And it could do much more than change tempo and speed.  It was a complete mulit-track recording studio.

          I thought it might be fun to learn the program, and learn one of my favorite songs ("God Only Knows") at the same time.  I could try to re-create the instrumental parts with my keyboard, then record them onto those "multi-tracks".

          When I finished, I decided to quickly repeat the steps, and make this tutorial.  


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

An overview of the program.  Most of this first video concentrates on analyzing the song and picking out the various instrumental parts.


We begin recording the tracks into the computer, looking at the settings, options, controls, etc.


Record the vocal parts, experiment with effects which can enhance the voice.


Finish the vocals, fade out at the end, combine all the tracks into just one audio file, listen to the final product.

 1-Man Studio Productions